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Let's discover Hybr in less than 5 minutes.

What is Hybr?

Hybr is a self-hosted infrastructure manager designed to simplify the deployment and management of your personal digital services. Inspired by the principles of self-reliance and digital independence, Hybr provides an opinionated framework for running services securely and efficiently within your own private network.


I've tested Hybr on local machines and cloud-based VPS environments.

If you come across any issues, please let me know in GitHub Issues

Getting Started

This guide will walk you through installing Hybr on your system and setting up your first self-hosted service.


  • A Linux-based operating system (tested on Arch, but should work on Ubuntu, Debian, and its derivatives)
  • sudo privileges (required for service installation)


The easiest way to install Hybr is by using the installation script:

Using curl:

curl -sSL | bash

Using wget:

wget -qO- | bash

This script automates the process of downloading and installing Hybr and its dependencies.

Installation Process Walkthrough

  • Download and Execute the Script: The command downloads the script from and executes it using bash.
  • Dependency Check: The script first attempts to detect your system's package manager (apt-get, pacman, or xbps-install). It then checks if go, docker, docker-compose, and tailscale are already installed.
  • Dependency Installation (if needed): If any of the required dependencies are missing, the script will prompt you to install them. If you confirm, the script will use your system's package manager to install the missing dependencies.
    • Docker: Installs the Docker Engine and Docker Compose, which are essential for containerizing and managing your services.
    • Go: Installs the Go programming language, which is required for building Hybr.
    • Tailscale: installs tailscale which is used to setup the VPN.
  • Hybr Installation: The script will:
    • Fetch the latest version of Hybr from the GitHub releases.
    • Download the appropriate binaries for your system architecture.
    • Install the Hybr CLI and Web Console to /usr/local/bin/.
    • Create /var/lib/hybr/ directory with required hybr configs.
  • Service Initialization: The script runs hybr init --forceDefaults to start the service installation process, and force reset to the default configuration.
  • Web Console Setup: The script will also prompt you to run the web console. If you confirm it will run hybr-console which will start the service on :8080 and expose it to your tailscale network on ${HOSTNAME}.${MAGIC_DNS}/_hybr.

You're now ready to start managing your self-hosted services with Hybr!

Using Hybr

Once Hybr is installed, you can interact with it through the command-line interface (CLI) or the web console. The steps bellow assume you have accepted the default services.

Accessing your Services via Tailscale VPN

Hybr uses Tailscale to ensure secure access to your services within your private network. Make sure Tailscale is installed and active on any device you want to use to reach your Hybr services.

Accessing the Web Console

To access the web console, simply navigate to localhost:8080/_hybr on the host machine for hybr, or use the machine's MagicDNS address: ${HOSTNAME}.${MAGIC_DNS}/_hybr

Viewing Service Information via Web Console

  1. Open the web console.
  2. You should see tt-rss and nextcloud as available applications
  3. Click on a service name in the sidebar.
  4. The "Service Info" tab displays key information about the selected service, such as its status, URL, and install date.
  5. Click Global URL you should see a redirected web page hosting the service.

Hybr Console

Managing Services with the CLI

  • List all installed services and their status:
hybr services
[nextcloud]  ✅ running
[tt-rss] ✅ running

hybr services [flags]
hybr services [command]

Available Commands:
components Show service components
info Show service information
logs Service logs
start Start the service
stop Stop the service

-h, --help help for services
-s, --service string Name of the service

Use "hybr services [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  • Show single service information
hybr services -s nextcloud info
[Name]             nextcloud
[Status] ✅ running
[Global URL] https://{HOST}.{MAGIC_DNS}/
[Local URL] localhost:8281
[Install Date] Monday, 10-Mar-25 17:02:59 UTC
[Last Start Date] Monday, 10-Mar-25 17:02:59 UTC
  • Show service components
hybr services -s nextcloud components
Name Version Status
db 10.11 ✅ running
redis alpine ✅ running
app latest ✅ running
  • Read service logs
hybr services -s nextcloud logs
[nextcloud] app-1    | - - [12/Mar/2025:13:25:23 +0000] "GET /index.php/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2767 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0"
[nextcloud] app-1 | - - [12/Mar/2025:13:25:24 +0000] "GET /index.php/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2765 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0"
[nextcloud] app-1 | - - [12/Mar/2025:13:25:25 +0000] "GET /index.php/apps/files/preview-service-worker.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2771 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:135.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/135.0"
  • Start/Stop services
hybr services -s nextcloud stop
[docker]  Container nextcloud-app-1  Stopping
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Stopped
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Removing
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Removed
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Stopping
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Stopping
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Stopped
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Removing
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Removed
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Stopped
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Removing
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Removed
[docker] Volume nextcloud_db Removing
[docker] Volume nextcloud_nextcloud Removing
[docker] Network nextcloud_default Removing
[docker] Volume nextcloud_db Removed
[docker] Network nextcloud_default Removed
[docker] Volume nextcloud_nextcloud Removed

Now if we check the service status we can see that it's stopped.

hybr services -s nextcloud

nextcloud 🛑 stopped

To start a service you can run:

hybr services -s nextcloud start
[docker]  Network nextcloud_default  Creating
[docker] Network nextcloud_default Created
[docker] Volume "nextcloud_nextcloud" Creating
[docker] Volume "nextcloud_nextcloud" Created
[docker] Volume "nextcloud_db" Creating
[docker] Volume "nextcloud_db" Created
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Creating
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Creating
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Created
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Created
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Creating
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Created
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Starting
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Starting
[docker] Container nextcloud-redis-1 Started
[docker] Container nextcloud-db-1 Started
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Starting
[docker] Container nextcloud-app-1 Started

Now if we check the service status we can see that it's running.

hybr services -s nextcloud

nextcloud ✅ running